Our Top Five Face Masks

Photo by KoolShooters In the pursuit of healthy and radiant skin, we often venture into the world of elaborate skincare routines. Yet, amidst the multitude of products and treatments, a simple and often underestimated hero emerges: the face mask. From detoxification and deep cleansing to hydration and revitalisation, these unassuming …

Five Reasons You Should Add Vitamin C to your Skincare Routine

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash When it comes to achieving healthy, radiant skin, incorporating the right ingredients into your skincare routine can make all the difference. One such powerhouse ingredient that has gained significant popularity in recent years is vitamin C. Not only is vitamin C essential for overall …

Eye treatments for a youthful and rested appearance

We all know that we have to look after our skin if we want to keep it looking good, but because the eye area is delicate and thin, you sometimes need a little extra help. At Pure Beauty we pride ourselves on offering a range of first-class eye treatments that give …

Sunscreens for everyday protection

It might be cold outside right now, but even the faintest rays of sun dancing through the winter clouds can call for sunscreen. At Pure Beauty we are big believers in sunscreen being used as everyday protection because not does this keep your skin safe from the environmental elements, but …